issue a warning
- 发出警告

Tests the link and issue a warning if it 's broken
The compiler can now issue a warning if dead code is detected
The labour administrative departments shall issue a warning and order them to correct .
Bermuda will likely issue a warning for Tropical Storm Florence later today .
Shortly after locking , the alarm system horn should not issue a warning tone .
For example , some parsers issue a warning when there is no XML declaration .
Was it necessary to issue a warning on certain types of food before the source of the outbreak was confirmed ?
A method that is marked @ deprecated causes the compiler to issue a warning if it is used .
The labour administrative department in charge shall issue a warning and command a correction and impose a fine concurrently .
She is not the only expert to issue a warning about the threat posed by solar storms .
Doubly troublesome , you can 't stop that print button from executing , or even issue a warning about using it .
If you misspell the warning or use a warning that doesn 't exist , this flag will issue a warning .
The startup monitor will issue a warning dialog to user immediately when a registry run key is changed by some program to make itself auto-start .
You can configure the package to check the signature when the package is loaded and to issue a warning if the package has been altered .
The system will also restrict you to remove locations that do not meet the conditions , with a distinctive color to issue a warning to help you to make a wise decision .
Unlike a tornado warning where Doppler radar can see the rotation and issue a warning before the tornado , an earthquake warning happens when the earth is already shaking .
In particular , if the definition and declaration agree as to parameter list but differ as to return type , the compiler will issue a warning or error message indicating the discrepancy .
Experiments show that under laboratory conditions , the above method can accurately detect the eye region , and it can issue a warning according to real-time state of eyes ' open and closed , so that it meets the needs of the driver fatigue detection .
In Shanghai , the police have had to issue a public warning about doomsday .
When local authorities issue a tsunami warning , assume that a series of dangerous waves is on the way .
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did issue a tsunami warning immediately after that quake , but it quickly d.
The Chief Steward has the authority to issue a yellow warning card for abuse to horses and incorrect behavior towards officials .
A pregnant doe will issue such a warning if an insistent buck refuses to leave her in peace .
Advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) have told the agency to issue a sweeping new warning about the risks of all antidepressants in children .